Where to buy terrazzo tiles

It is quiete simple to source terrazzo tile, indeed in the market there is available a number of dedicate distributors. As well as other construction materials there are severals shops dedicated to the sells of terrazzo tile. The most commun are ceramics retailers. By typing into Google will definatly appears a numbers of places where it is possible to source terrazzo tile. Some of them are very concentrated in the porcelain tile, some others have also a numbers of products like, marble, wood bricks and also terrazzo.

Commercial and residential

Terrazzo is definatly a flexible product that can fit a number of different projects. For example commercial projects, hospitality projects and residential. Terrazzo is a well know product. Indeed it has been used for years for commercial and domestic projects. It is a very flexible product that can fit in a number of different projects. Thanks to the custom characteristics our customers can design their own mix and subsequently obtaining a special color according to his own desire.

Technical Characteristics

Unit StandardRate Or ValueStandard
Impact TestCM29RD 2234/39
Surface HardnessMohs3EN 101:1992
Breaking LoadMPa8.66EN ISO 10545/4
Water Absorbtion%2.4 to 4.8ASTM C 97
Fire ResistanceClass A196/603/EC
Dimensional DeviationsMMConformEN 13748-1
Specific WeightKG/m32,301.41ASTM C 97
Abrasion ResistanceMM19.0EN 13748-1
Thermal ConductionNDPEN 13748-1

The material, and in particular the information, contained in this page and literature, including technical information, are representative only and are subject to change or updating without notice. VENISTON S.r.l. further reserves the right to make changes and/or improvements to the products and/or the technical and functional characteristics of the products described and illustrated on this site at any time, without notice. The information and related graphics published on this page could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors although every effort has been made for accurate information. The testing are valid for material at the end of the production line.
January, 2015


Veneziana Literature